Now You Can Sculpt a Healthy and Fit Body Without Going to the Gym in as Little as

20 Minutes, 3 Times a Week

Discover the Revolutionary Home Fitness System That Fits Seamlessly Into Your Hectic Schedule – Get In Amazing Shape and Feel Better Than Ever ...

With Minimal Equipment, All From the Comfort of Your Home!

Do you ever feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day? 

You're up early, rushing to get yourself and maybe even your family ready, and then it's off to work where you're consumed by meetings, deadlines, and the never-ending to-do list... 

By the time you leave, you're mentally and physically drained. You know you should hit the gym, but the thought of fighting traffic, crowded locker rooms, and waiting for equipment is overwhelming. You tell yourself you'll go tomorrow, but deep down, you know the cycle will repeat.

It's a frustrating, guilt-ridden loop that leaves you feeling defeated… 

You want to be healthy, to feel good in your own skin, but how can you possibly fit traditional gym workouts into your already packed schedule?

From Your Living Room to Peak Fitness

Imagine a life where fitness isn't just a chore, but a seamless part of your daily routine. With our revolutionary home fitness system, you're not just working out – you're transforming your life.

Here's how:

  • Physical Transformation:
    Sculpt a healthy and fit body that you love! Whether you're a busy professional or a parent juggling multiple responsibilities, our system is designed to maximize results in minimal time. In as little as 20 minutes, three times a week, you'll see and feel the difference!

  • Mental Clarity and Energy:

    Regular exercise is proven to boost mental health and energy levels. Our program is not just about looking good; it's about feeling good too. Say goodbye to gym-induced stress and hello to workouts that leave you invigorated (not wiped out) and ready to tackle your day with enthusiasm!

  • Convenience and Comfort:

    Forget the hassle of gym commutes and crowded spaces. And, let’s not even talk about the locker room… Our system brings the gym to you. Work out in the comfort and privacy of your own home, on your schedule. It's fitness that fits your life, not the other way around.

  • Cost-Effective:

    Save money on expensive gym memberships and travel costs. Our home fitness system is an investment in your health that pays dividends in both time and money. Minimal equipment is required - in fact, you can even do it with just your body weight if you want to!

  • Family-Friendly:

    Involve your family in your fitness journey. Our program is suitable for various fitness levels, making it a great way to encourage a healthy lifestyle for your entire household.

  • Long-Term Health Benefits:

    Regular exercise is key to long-term health. Reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve bone density, and enhance your overall quality of life. Our program is not just a quick fix; it's a progressive pathway to a healthier, happier you.

  • Expert Guidance:

    Designed by real fitness experts, our program ensures you're doing the right exercises in the right way. No guesswork, just effective, safe workouts.

This isn't just another home workout program that ends up “on the shelf.” It's a uniquely designed Progressive Program Pathway that evolves with you, ensuring continuous improvement and keeping you engaged and motivated every step of the way.

Why Our At-Home Workout Solution

IS the Right Choice for You

We understand that embarking on a new fitness journey can bring up a lot of questions and concerns. Let's address some of the most common concerns you might have:

"I'm too busy to work out."

Our program is specifically designed for busy individuals like you. With workouts as short as 20 minutes, three times a week, you can easily fit them into your schedule. It's about making the most of the time you have, not finding more time.

"I've tried home workouts before and they didn't work."

No doubt.  However, our Progressive Program Pathway is different. It's not a collection of random exercises; it's a structured, evolving fitness journey, tailored to your needs and designed by the industry’s leading expert in at-home workouts. This program keeps you engaged and progressing, unlike anything you've tried before.

"I don't have a lot of space or equipment at home."

Then this program is PERFECT for you!  Minimal space and equipment are no barriers to our program. We've crafted workouts that are effective even in limited spaces and with minimal or no equipment. Your living room, garage, or even a small corner is enough to get started - just enough space to lay out an exercise mat.

"I'm not sure if I can stay motivated working out alone."

While you might be physically alone, with our follow-along workout format you’ve got one of the best “training partners” on the planet!  Plus, the visible results and increased energy levels will be a natural motivator to keep going.

And, unlike other digital fitness solutions with no connection to a real person, you’ll have access to ME, - Jason Karson your host, your guide, your very own personal trainer with almost 3 decades of coaching experience!  I’m literally just an email away… In fact, here’s my email address - [email protected]

"Is it really as effective as a gym workout?"

Absolutely. And, for many, it’s MORE effective! Our program is designed to deliver maximum results with minimal time investment. The combination of expertly crafted workouts and the Progressive Program Pathway will rival any gym session!!

"What if it's too hard or too easy for me?”

Another unique thing about the program is it’s adaptable to various fitness levels. Whether you're a beginner or more advanced, the workouts can be scaled to match your abilities and push you appropriately.

By choosing our at-home workout solution, you're not just choosing convenience; you're choosing a lifestyle change that's sustainable, effective, and tailored to fit into your busy life.

Your adjustments have personalized the section beautifully, making it more relatable and directly addressing potential concerns with a reassuring and confident tone. It's great to see the inclusion of your personal touch and contact information, which adds a layer of trust and accessibility for your audience.

A Vision of Health, Happiness,

and a Hot Body, to Boot!

Imagine this:

It's just a few months from now, and you're looking in the mirror, amazed at the transformation you see. Your body is stronger, leaner, and more toned. You feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Each morning, you wake up with more energy and a clear mind, ready to take on the day's challenges. The stress and fatigue that used to weigh you down are now replaced with a newfound zest for life.

You're no longer battling with time to fit in a workout. Our 20-minute sessions have become a cherished part of your routine, effortlessly blending into your busy schedule. The convenience of working out at home has given you hours back in your week – time you now spend with family, pursuing hobbies, or just relaxing.

Your family notices the change too. They see a happier, more vibrant you. Perhaps they've even joined you in some workouts, making fitness a fun and bonding activity for everyone.

Financially, you're saving money without those costly gym memberships and travel expenses. The investment in our home fitness system feels like one of the best decisions you've ever made for your health and your wallet.

And the best part? You know this is just the beginning. With each passing week, you're not just maintaining your fitness; you're improving it. You're pushing past limits you once thought were impossible, all thanks to a program that understands and grows with you.

This isn't a temporary change; it's a new way of life. A life where fitness and well-being are not just goals but realities. And it all starts with taking that first step today.

That's a catchy and engaging sub-headline! It adds a playful and aspirational tone, appealing directly to the desires of your audience. It's great to see how you're fine-tuning each element to align perfectly with your brand's voice and your audience's expectations.

Introducing the Ultimate Home Fitness Solution

We're thrilled to present an at-home fitness program that's truly one-of-a-kind. In collaboration with BJ Gaddour, a renowned fitness expert and a pioneer in follow-along home workout videos, we've crafted a system that's both innovative and incredibly effective.

BJ Gaddour's expertise in creating dynamic, engaging, and result-driven workouts has been instrumental in developing this program. His approach to fitness aligns perfectly with our mission: to make fitness accessible, enjoyable, and effective for everyone, especially those with busy lives.

But here's what makes our program truly special: it's not just BJ's expertise and revolutionary follow-along workout series - his Progressive Program Pathway - that you're getting... 

As your trainer, I, Jason Karson, bring nearly three decades of coaching experience to guide you every step of the way. This program is a unique blend of BJ's cutting-edge workout strategies and my personalized coaching approach.

What does this mean for you? It means you're getting a program that's backed by the best in the industry, tailored to fit your individual needs, and designed to deliver results you can see and feel.

Whether you're just starting your fitness journey or looking to elevate your current routine, our program offers the perfect balance of challenge and support, ensuring you reach your goals in a way that's sustainable and enjoyable.

This isn't just another workout program. It's a comprehensive fitness solution that combines the convenience of home workouts with the effectiveness of expert guidance. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, happier, and fitter you.

Choose Your Path to Fitness Success: Tailored Program Options for Every Need

Take a Deeper Dive Into Each Program:

Express Fat Loss Pathway:

—10 months of NEW content (60 total workouts) with a mid-year review and year-end review to show fitness progress throughout the year.

—6 monthly FULL-BODY metabolic conditioning workouts to rotate between every 2 weeks using a classic M/W/F schedule (or 3 workouts/week).

—Each workout video starts with an INSTRUCTIONAL component that coaches you through each exercise before moving to a FOLLOW-ALONG component that automates your training session from start to finish.

—3 of the monthly workouts are always EQUIPMENT-FREE bodyweight routines. If you have no equipment, you can do these 3 bodyweight workouts weekly each month instead.

The other 3 workouts use a mix of minimal equipment home (and gym-friendly) training tools like bodyweight, bands, bells & med balls

—All workouts can be completed in 20 minutes or less!

Muscle & Strength Pathway:

This is truly where SHRED meets GAINZ…It features THREE 40-minute workouts/week for advanced trainees. First, you’ll do a 20-minute muscle-building strength workout. Then you’ll do a 20-minute fat-burning cardio workout from EXPRESS. This hybrid programming gives you the best of both worlds while still keeping your training sessions to an hour or less. The 4th week of each month is an active recovery week where you’ll cut the training volume in half and just do a 20-minute EXPRESS workout to speed growth & healing:

—10 months of NEW content (90 total workouts) with a mid-year review and a year-end review to show fitness progress throughout the year.

—Starts by going back to the basics and then the routines get progressively more difficult month after month.

Includes ALL EXPRESS content: 60 total fat loss workouts with an INSTRUCTIONAL & FOLLOW-ALONG component for every routine.

Features 3 monthly advanced muscle gain workouts repeated weekly for 3 weeks of each month followed by an active recovery week (e.g. UPPER 1, LOWER 1 & CORE 1).

—Each workout video starts with an INSTRUCTIONAL component that coaches you through each exercise before moving to a FOLLOW-ALONG component that automates your training session from start to finish.

—This hybrid program combines two 20-minute routines for 40 total minutes of training but you can just do a single 20-minute workout of choice on days when time is tight.

—The muscle gain workouts use a mix of minimal equipment home (and gym-friendly) training tools like bodyweight, bands, dumbbells, med ball & pullup/dip bars.

Customized Program Pathway:

As the name suggests, this program is 100% customized to your needs each month.  Plus, we’ll review your progress each month to ensure you're on the right track toward achieving your fitness goals.

Ready to Transform Your Body?

Take the First Step Today!

You've seen what our programs can offer. You've imagined the physical transformation, the mental clarity, the convenience, and all the other incredible benefits. Now, it's time to make that vision a reality.

Here's what you need to do next:

Choose Your Path: Select the program pathway that aligns with your goals – whether it's the Express Fat Loss, Muscle Building & Strength, or the Customized Program Pathway.

Sign Up: Fill out the simple registration form. It's quick, easy, and the first step towards a new you.

Start Down Your Pathway: Once you're signed up, you'll get immediate access to your chosen program. No waiting, no delays. Your path to a healthier, happier you starts right now.

Don't let another day pass wishing you could make a change. The power to transform is in your hands, and it starts with a simple click. Choose your program, sign up, and let's embark on this journey together.

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee – Your Success, Assured

We're so confident in the effectiveness of our fitness programs that we offer an unconditional 100% satisfaction guarantee. Here's how it works:

Try It Risk-Free: You have a full 60 days to try out the program. Dive into two full months of workouts, experience the convenience, and feel the changes in your body and mind.

See the Results:

We're confident that you'll see and feel the difference. Whether it's more energy, a stronger physique, or just the joy of a workout that fits into your busy schedule, you'll know you've made the right choice.

Decide with Confidence: If, for any reason, you're not completely satisfied with the program within the first 60 days, simply let us know. We'll refund your investment, no questions asked.

The Crossroads of Choice:

Your Current Path vs. A New Journey

Right now, you're standing at a crossroads. One way is the road you've been traveling – it's familiar, but it's filled with the same frustrations and disappointments you've known. The other way? It's new, promising a journey toward health, fitness, and well-being.

1) The Familiar Road

  • Continue feeling overwhelmed by your busy schedule, letting fitness take a backseat.

  • Keep experiencing the guilt and frustration of missed gym sessions.

  • Stay stuck in the cycle of starting and stopping fitness routines that don't fit your lifestyle.

  • Live with the nagging feeling that you're not taking the best care of yourself.

2) The New Journey

  • Embrace a fitness routine that fits seamlessly into your hectic life.

  • Feel the pride and satisfaction of consistently working out, even with a busy schedule.

  • Experience the transformation – both physical and mental – that comes with regular, effective exercise.

  • Enjoy the convenience, comfort, and effectiveness of a home fitness system designed for you.

The Choice is Yours

The decision you make today can redefine your tomorrow. Will you continue down the familiar path, or are you ready to embark on a new journey towards a healthier, happier you?

Choose Your Story: A Tale of Two Futures

Future #1: Embracing Change with Our Program

Imagine this: Six months from now, you're a different person. Each morning, you wake up with energy and a sense of accomplishment. Your friends and family have noticed the change – not just in how you look, but in how you carry yourself. You've become their source of inspiration. You've saved money by cutting out unused gym memberships, and you've invested that into things that matter more. Your body is stronger, healthier, and you feel a sense of pride in your physical achievements. Emotionally, you're more resilient, confident, and ready to face life's challenges. This is the future you've chosen by joining our program and letting us coach you.

Future #2: Staying in the Comfort Zone Without Our Program

Alternatively, imagine continuing as you are now. Six months down the line, the status quo remains. The same frustrations about fitness and health linger. The gym membership is still there, unused, a silent reminder of unfulfilled promises to yourself. Physically, you feel the same, or perhaps a bit worse as time takes its toll. Emotionally, the cycle of frustration and guilt continues, impacting your overall well-being and happiness. This is the path of inaction, the comfort zone that leads nowhere.

Your Decision, Your Future:

Now, it's your turn to decide... 

Which story do you want to be yours? 

The path of transformation and growth, or the path of stagnation? 

Make the choice today – join now and start writing a new chapter in your life.

P.S. Remember, with our Progressive Program Pathway, you're not just signing up for another workout routine. You're embarking on a transformative journey that fits into your busy life. And with our 60-day money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose but inches and doubts.

P.P.S. Don't forget, this isn't just about physical transformation. It's about gaining mental clarity, boosting your energy, and improving your overall quality of life. You'll be amazed at how much you can achieve in just 20 - 40 minutes, three times a week.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life?

It's time to take that first step. Join us now and start your journey towards a healthier, happier you. Remember, every journey begins with a single step, and this is yours. Click the button below for the program that best suits you now to begin your transformation today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time do I need to commit to the program each week?

Answer: Our program is designed to be efficient and effective, requiring just 20 minutes, three times a week.

Do I need any special equipment?

Answer: Our program can be done with minimal equipment. In fact, many of our workouts can be completed using just your body weight. For the more advanced workouts you only need some resistance bands, a few dumbbells (or set of adjustable DBs), a medball or two, and pull-up/dip bars.

Is this program suitable for beginners?

Answer: Absolutely! Our program is designed to cater to various fitness levels, from beginners to more advanced individuals.

Can I still benefit from the program if I have a busy schedule?

Answer: Yes, our program is specifically designed for busy professionals and parents. The flexible nature of the workouts allows you to fit them into your hectic schedule easily.

What if I'm not satisfied with the program?

Answer: We offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the program for any reason, you can request a full refund within this period.

How is this program different from other home workout programs?

Answer: Our program is uniquely designed with a Progressive Program Pathway, ensuring continuous improvement and keeping you engaged and motivated. Plus, it's created in collaboration with fitness expert BJ Gaddour and personalized by me, Justin Yule, to ensure you get the best guidance.

Will I receive any support during the program?

Answer: Yes, you'll have access to me, Justin Yule, for support and guidance. I'm just an email away for any questions or advice you might need.

How quickly will I see results?

Answer: Results can vary, but many of our clients start to see and feel changes within a few weeks of consistent participation in the program.

Is the program suitable for both men and women?

Answer: Yes, our program is designed to be effective for both men and women.

Can I do the workouts if I have limited space at home?

Answer: Yes, our workouts are designed to be space-efficient and can be done in a small area like your living room or garage.

Who is Jason Karson?


Husband. Dad. Author. Coach. Entrepreneur.

Jason has teamed up with BJ Gaddour to bring you this amazing program. BJ is the former fitness director for the Men’s Health brand, the author of Your Body Is Your Barbell & the creator of the best-selling SpeedShred & MetaShred DVDs.

Jason has been in the fitness industry for over 25 years. Prior to working in fitness, Jason worked for a Sports Medicine clinic helping patients move from injury, back into fitness pain and injury free!! In 1999 Jason opened up his first personal training gym and he hasn’t looked back since.

What I’ve found, from coaching clients for over 25 years, is that most people suffer from aches & pains, low muscle tone, poor sleep quality, bone density concerns and lack the energy to do the things they love.

What they really want is to have the energy to keep up with their family, reduce those aches and pains, develop the strength to function well, and do the things they enjoy, while not being a burden to others as they age.

They think the problem is they are limited in what they can achieve due to their age and previous injuries so they end up buying a gym membership only to walk on the boring treadmill and do the machine “circuit” that’s supposed to be “safe” ...but doesn’t really do anything for them.

The real problem is that their body is out of balance so when they do exercise it often just exacerbates the imbalances leaving them injured, frustrated, and lacking motivation to continue.

What they really need is a corrective exercise program that focuses on strengthening the right muscles, balancing their joints, and increasing their flexibility & mobility so they can feel their best and enjoy life as they age while they maintain their independence doing the things they love.